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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Accidently Removed Comment

Sorry Merikay - I just accidently removed your comment about maintaining weight.

I know your challenge well. Both the maintaining, and the avoiding wine. Unfortunately (or fortunately) Trudie is all about food and wine. She's a fantastic cook, and although her cooking is not outrageously fatty there is still lots of it, and lots of olive oil too (note to self: eat a big salad before dinner). One of the problems with my "diet" is that it wants you to eat at least 1 pound raw veggies and 1 pound cooked veggies, plus 4+ fruits, plus at least a cup of beans. So we are used to eating huge meals. Not ideal for portion control when eating "regular" food!

And then there's the beer and wine. What can I say - I'm weak! Last night I did consume too  many calories from booze but I didn't totally overdo it and also had tons of water. Tonight it's my turn to cook so it will be a fat free vegan meal! With lime infused water to drink ;-)

Hope everyone has a fantastic day.

Countdown to Kirsten's arrival: 8

All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness
the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.
Dalai Lama

1 comment:

  1. I rarely look back over past posts, so I didn't notice I was removed! I really like Pelligrino water an find it almost as good as wine with dinner. But once in awhile I do enjoy some wine.
