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Monday, September 10, 2012

A Muddle / Our Hearts are Divided



It is one of those perfect September days - coolish, but clear and crisp. There is a faint smell of fallen leaves in the air - just faint though as not many leaves have fallen yet. The next few days are going to be a return to summer with forecast highs in the high 20's but then we scheduled to drop down to cooler temps for the weekend. Let's hope the rain holds off...


I've been busy cooking and loading the camper as we are heading off for a 9 night trip. I've been making jugs of lemon water,  quinoa burgers, sun-dried tomato/pesto hummus, breakfast cookies, peanut butter cookies and other sundry delights.  I like to be prepared... you know, just in case there is no food to be found elsewhere for the whole 9 nights... maybe there are no grocery stores where we are going (ha ha - it's not like we are going to that Sandy Point campground in the middle of nowhere Alberta - we will be just down the road from a few grocery stores!).


For the first night Carm is going to get us set up at the campground and then leave me for the night as Ruth is coming for a girls night! Yeah hurrah. To that end I played around with cocktails this morning. I have bottles and bottles of ancient booze that I'd like to use up, so I started looking for a recipe for Pernod (I have 1 1/2 bottles!). GAGSPEWGASPYUCK straight, tried mixing it with some ice water BLECH, added a bit of lemon juice PUKE... back into the cupboard it went (for what I'm not sure, but maybe I'll find a great recipe for some dessert thing). After that I was a bit too queasy to try anything more, but I do have some Blue Curacao that I could make something with. I'll have to google that and do some more tests... after I've got something in my stomach. I'd love to make some mojitos, but I don't have the mint to muddle. Maybe I'll just stick with lemon water, but Ruth and I do have a bit of a history of downing a few too many!

20120910_book_001I've started re-reading the Kristen Lavransdatter books, starting with "The Bridal Wreath". Oh my. I had forgotten how hard a read they are. It is a series of 3 books written by Sigrid Undset about life in Norwary in the 1300s. That alone is interesting, but what brings it even more to life for me is that some of the books are set in Skjenna! Yes, the very one that I wrote about just last week. I'll share details when I get there.

"There is no man nor woman, Kristen, who does not love and fear God, but 'tis because our hearts are divided twixt love of God and fear of the devil and fondness for the world and the flesh, that we are unhappy in life and death. For if a man had not any yearning after God and God's being, then should he thrive in hell, and 'twould be we alone who would not understand that there he had gotten what his heart desired. For there the fire would not burn him if he did not long for coolness, nor would he feel the torment of the serpents' bite, if he knew not the yearning after peace."

The other night when I was in bed a screeching howl broke the silence. Chills ran down my spine but I knew it wasn't some other-worldly creature, but instead was a fisher. If you've never heard one just imagine the sound of vampires strangling little girls, there is no sound like it. I searched around on the internet to find the sound, but never found anything close. I did come across one site that claims some of the calls are really fox calls. There was one (a vixen fox call) that sounded a little bit like it, but it lacked the spine tingling, hair raising aspect. Whatever it is I can see how legends of horror get started.


I've been sickening Carm with all my latest song downloads, that is when I'm not just blaring them directly into my ears (in which case he "gets" to listen to the odd pathetic outburst of singing from me - sometimes the words just blurb out of my mouth - I can't help it). The good news though is the NY/LA ear worm never took hold. Instead I've got a mixture of Crash Test Dummies "Superman", Ella Fitzgerald's "I've Got A Crush on You", and some one else's "I Will Remember You" swirling around in my head. Add in a bit of Twisted Sister ("I'm not Gonna Take It")  for a perfect medley or perhaps muddling madness!

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.

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