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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Sounds of Christmas

We had a lovely day, starting at Mom & Dad's for breakfast. After gorging ourselves on Christmas Morning Wife Saver and leftover lefse and lutefisk, we took our leave and drove over to Carm's brother Joe's for lunch. There was a houseful, (but missing a few), including the newest generation. Georgio is 7 months old and cute as a button. He has the biggest, blackest eyes you can imagine. We filled ourselves up with Carm's mom's homemade cannelloni. After that it was over to Carm's sister Maria's for a quick visit and a glass of Grappa. Spike had great fun playing with his "cousin" Sonny, and even did some of his tricks.

We are now safely home ensconced on the sofa with the Sound of Music playing. Soon there will be a bottle of bubbles opened, and along with a bag of chips we'll have a quiet Christmas Night. What is shocking though is how much of the movie that I'm not actually remembering. I recall that we watch it every year at Christmas, but my memory must be wrong somewhere. Regardless, it is a great movie with so many good songs to sing along with.

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
Norman Vincent Peale

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