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Monday, December 30, 2013

Should We Move Somewhere Sunny?

French Polynesia has a nice ring to it. I wonder how one gets to live in such a paradise? Beautiful weather, sandy beaches, palm trees. All is idyllic… except for all the sharks in the water... But wow, what an address! The program we watched was focusing on diving and underwater creatures, but did venture onto the beaches... spectacular! Yeah - Polynesia, it has a good ring to it.

We had a few days of melting here, so now the snow has a thick ice crust on it – impossible for snowshoeing; the laneway is slick with ice – hard to walk on. And now it is cold again. Makes the sharks seem tolerable.


Thursday night we watched Tim Burton's "Frankenweenie". I love his movies, and this one didn’t disappoint. The theme however was a bit of a tear jerker for me. Luckily I hadn’t seen it right after Spikes venture onto the road… but even still it was fresh in my mind when Spike defied the gate again yesterday.

There is a certain dog (Buddy) that walks by once or twice a day that is the main attraction for Spike. I got a chance to talk to Buddy’s owner last night and told her that I’ll tie a leash to the gate and that if he comes out to please tie him to the gate. At least that way he won’t be following them down the road… We are also going to see about making the gate a little more Spike proof. I will admit to being an awfulizer; my imagination goes into overdrive, living all the potential outcomes – none of them happy.

We were into town yesterday to celebrate my niece Juliette’s 12th birthday. She is growing into a lovely young lady. Where do the years go? We didn’t bring Spike this trip as I met Mom at Costco. Some flameless candles were in the shopping cart as a Christmas gift from Mom. They are pretty neat, and even have a remote control, and can also be programmed to come on at the same time each day, and off 5 hours later! I’m not a big fan of having lit candles all over the house, a remnant from cat owning days I suppose. These will do the trick – they even look a bit realistic with a wax outer coating, and a warm, flickering light. They are the lazy girls candles!  Thanks Mom!


The stars are forth, the moon above the tops Of the snow-shining mountains--Beautiful! I linger yet with Nature, for the night Hath been to me a more familiar face Than that of man; and in her starry shade Of dim and solitary loveliness I learn'd the language of another world. ~ Lord Byron


  1. My short answer is yes, move. I am so over snow and cold:) Lived most of my life in northern climes and the goal now is to only see snow on the TV!

    I think I would love French Polynesia , but too far far from the kids:(

  2. Yes, we are planning to stay in warmer climate most of the winter when we both have retired. Living in snow and storm is hard. Yesterday I was out skiing with my son Ola, and made a big fall onto my lower back. So now I'm just sitting trying to recover, black and blue all over.
    The scarf suits you. We hope it can keep you warm during cold days.
