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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Better than Hoarded Gold

I finally decided to change dentists to one more local. It wasn't a decision that I made easily as I really like Dr. B., my current dentist. She has treated me well, sending me to the hospital when I needed to go; fixing fillings and other unpleasant procedures as comfortably as possible. But as Carm dropped me off, the appeal of going into my old office building (29 years I worked there!) had not only waned, but I felt actual reversion. The fact that there was construction everywhere downtown, most notably across the street where they were digging a tunnel for the new train, made the decision even easier.

One advantage of being downtown in that particular location is the proximity of the Green Papaya, the purveyor of the best Pad Ki Mao anywhere.  Today I had time to get takeout before Carm picked me up so we had that with bubbles for supper. It was good... no... it was FANTASTIC! Each bite was savoured, as I tried to figure out what spices were used to make such ambrosia. If only I could reproduce it at home...

I used to eat takeout from Green Papaya at least once a week (and sometimes ate inside the restaurant with friends) - it was my lure to get me out of bed Monday mornings. During camping season I'd pick it up on Thursday nights to have at the campground - we'd race home to get the camper - and be having supper before it even had a chance to cool.

We'll have to make a special trip for takeout now and again ;-)

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

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