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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lazy Days

I'll have to come clean… I did nothing on Wednesday and Thursday. The dogs got their business walk, but nothing else. I've sat around reading, but not much else.

Thursday afternoon I finished reading Philomena, a story about an American boy adopted from Ireland. It was a good story - I won't say any more than that in case you read it yourself or want to see the movie. Reading does suck up an enormous amount of time!

I did go back to Spike's blog and repost the entries so that Chapter 1 is the first one you see entering the blog. Unfortunately blogger doesn't have a sorting option… A make-work project…


Friday morning I got up off my a.. and took the dogs for a good long walk - 1hr 20min. They were flaked out for the day, and I had to resist climbing back into bed.

I thought that I'd take advantage of all these lazy days to write like crazy, but I seem to have lost my imagination and every word is difficult. Too much sleep? Too much beauty? Too much sun? I do have a file with story ideas, but none of them really catch me.

Just for fun I looked up flights to NZ for November… found a really good deal, but it isn't in the cards for another year or two. Although it has been almost 2 years since my last visit.

Friday after we had a visit from my Uncle Ken and his girlfriend Marilyn. The weather was perfect for sitting outside visiting, and even held out till past supper time. We had a lovely visit and enjoyed hearing Uncle Ken's stories of the past. All too soon it was getting dark and they were on their way.


Saturday was another lazy day with more swimming (huge waves!), and visiting with Bill and Brenda. Again, the day went by all too quickly. Less than a week left… The park is busy this weekend - I picked up 3 doggie doos on our campsite today - and no, they were not from our dogs. If there is one thing that makes me really mad it is people not picking up after their pets!!! If I were to catch the culprits I'd be tempted to drop it off on their camper step - and keep the bag…

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