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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Flip Flop and dry

The days have been too busy to write much and when I do have some downtime I pretty much crash.

Yesterday was a beautiful, hot day that almost ended in tragedy. Carm and I headed out to do some groceries, leaving the dogs, as we always do, shut in the bedroom with music playing and the fan on. I thought the AC was on too... but when we got back the upstairs was 90F. The dogs were panting but didn't seem in any particular distress, but I got them outside into the shade and gave them a big bowl of water. They drank and drank then lay down to enjoy the day. Within 10 minutes Kabira had moved herself back into the sun. I need a checklist pinned to the door for when we leave without the dogs.

While we were out we stopped at Costco (where else) and ended up talking to a couple much like us (although I won't spend $17,000 on getting one of the dogs a new knee - seriously).

Today is rainy and cold. Flip flop from yesterday! Fresh out of bed, the dogs just wanted to rush to their business and come right back, or maybe that was me that wanted to get back to our (not so) cosy camper. By the time I got back, Carm had the fireplace on trying to get us up to room temperature. After our fingers were warmed by a coffee, we joined some of the rally folk for breakfast, then came back to the camper for a bit of downtime.

Picard's peanuts were niggling at my brain though so we went for a drive. Peanuts with every imaginable kind of coating could be found. Chocolate, bbq spice, honey, cookie... almost anything you could imagine. I couldn't resist a bag of sponge toffee coated in chocolate. Oh sticky tooth heaven I love that stuff.

It seems that my cobbled together solution for doing my blog posts has turned out even better than I hoped. First I write the post in Google Docs. I can write it offline, or online and share it between my tablet and my pc. You may remember that one of the epic fails for my tablet is lack of spell check, this is serious as my spelling is atrocious. By some miracle of technology Google docs has spell check that works on my tablet!!!!! Oh how I love that fine red underlining.

If I'm doing the post on my tablet (which is where I normally write it), the next step is to pull the sd card from my camera to get the photos I want for the post, then format them on my tablet as well. It isn't as fast as doing on my laptop with Live Writer but it is more than acceptable, plus it means I don't have to drag out my laptop just to do a post. Once I have the photos I can edit the document and insert the photos where I want them. Then I copy the whole shebang and post it into a Blogger editor post. Whoosh and it is done :-)

Things have a way of working out don't they!

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