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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Canadian Eh!

Monday night I was in bed before the streetlights came on. I was exhausted and couldn't stay up for the campfire. I woke up Tuesday morning refreshed and ready for the next round of fun. Carm played golf with a bunch of rally folk which left me the day to do as I wished. Walking the dogs, reading, etc. kept me busy for much of the morning, and then as soon as the sun was over the yardarm I invited some people for refreshments.

It started with one guest and grew to 8 - I think Carm was pretty surprised when he returned triumphant from the golf course. Grace spent much time sitting on the arm of my chair taking it all in. The dogs relaxed on their mats. We didn't bring the fence with us and I miss it. I have tie-outs for them, but it is so much easier when we aren't unraveling dogs and tripping on leashes. They've been good though, and very patient with the hours that they've had to spend locked in the bedroom with the music playing. They may be getting sick of the 70s though!

The group broke up around 5pm as we had to get ready for the evening entertainment: Canadian, Eh dinner theater. I was pleasantly surprised by the show which featured a lot of Canadian music, from the early songs from 'Sgt. Preston of the Yukon' to modern music from Celine Dion and everything in between. There were surprises. Did you know that 'Born to be Wild' by Steppenwolf was written by a Canadian? I'll bet the Americans in the audience were surprised to hear that 'American Woman' was by a Canadian band!

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