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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Two tiny fawns

Today I got a glimpse of the fawns who have been bedding down somewhere on our property. I was carrying a load of food to the camper when, what to my wondering eyes should appear...
two tiny fawns. The two delicate creatures frolicked like daddylonglegs on a hot pan, in the cut grass in front of the barn. What a thrill.

I have been studying my new writing book in between getting ready for our next camping trip. I’ve scrutinized the first 6 (out of 50) rules, and have done some of the exercises. I felt ready to edit a story I wrote last winter in order to put the lessons to the test and I think the results are good. I’ll post revision #1 this week - before/after I drive myself totally crazy.

Luckily before I got too deep into the book I read the last few pages which advise keeping your critical self away from the initial writing process until it is ready for editing. Write and let the ideas flow - which is what I have done up until now, but now is time to learn.

The question of ‘voice’ is niggling in my head. When do the edits remove so much of what is me from a story? At what point is the life sucked out of it?

Have I mentioned how much I love this book!!! Life sucking or not ;-)

(p.s. you wouldn’t believe how long it took me to write this little bit of text!)

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