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Thursday, January 28, 2016

hot tea and flannel

Hot tea and flannel pajamas featured in my afternoon after a morning freezing in the library at the creative writing group meeting - I brought the second chapter of Spike's book and got lots of good feedback and suggestions, I can't wait to apply the changes and move onto the next chapter. I had a hard time critiquing the other ladies stories though - they are good to start with!  As a group, our writing has improved since we started in the fall.

Diane, (a creative writing guru), and I decided to meet for lunch, but I was a blonde bimbo and went to the wrong restaurant. I was slow to figure out I was in the wrong spot but eventually clued in that I was in the Aroma cafe when should have been in the Euphoria cafe one town over. Luckily, Diane was still at the right place when I rushed in 15 minutes later. What a doofus. We now have each other's cell phone numbers programmed in our cell phones…

Back to the pjs. A light snow was falling as I drove home and it felt frigid, although the thermometer said it was -1C - it wasn't a 'dry cold' - it was a damp cold that sunk right into my bones. Mugs and mugs of tea, fluffy pjs and a fleecy sweater wasn't enough, I needed a thick blanket as well. But what I'd like to know is this: what's wrong with wearing pajamas 24/7!

Carm had to run an errand in the village and thought to check the used store for a pot lid that was the right size for making lefse. What I've been using works… but it is a rounded glass edge that doesn't cut very well. Carm found something just the right size with a sharp, cookie cutter edge. Hummm. We'll have to make a batch this weekend to test it out!

She enjoys rain for its wetness, winter for its cold, summer for its heat. She loves rainbows as much for fading as for their brilliance. It is easy for her, she opens her heart and accepts everything.”  ~Morgan Llywelyn

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