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Friday, February 12, 2016

exit stage left

While waiting for an appointment Wednesday, I started reading 'Elements of Style'. Gosh. The section on commas has me flummoxed. I thought I had a bit of a grasp, but now I'm not so sure. Something about complete prepositional clauses and incomplete ones needing and not needing commas has my head spinning. It doesn't help that I don't fully know what a preposition is, let alone a clause. Why didn't I pay more attention in school all those decades ago?

Yesterday was the creative writing group meeting and I was sure not to miss it, even though it was the coldest morning of the winter (it took several mugs of hot tea to warm up). The feedback that I got from Diane and Nicole on Spike's story is so helpful. They are very good at walking the tightrope between critiquing and criticizing. I feel energized and enthused by their comments.

When Carm checked the mail yesterday afternoon, a white piece of card lay flat on the bottom of the grey metal box. That card, with its blue printing was the cause of much excitement… my blog book had arrived. Carm dashed to the post office and traded in the scrap for a box containing a thick, hardcover book. I was shocked at its thickness and wondered how I could have written so much. (not much to wonder about - this post is over 500 words if you include the quote…)

I immediately sat down and cracked the book open. Niagara Falls, Port Burwell, and our adventure getting out of Presquile lay in front of me. A 1/2 inch further into the book and we were having fun with Ruth and John. It was lovely to flip through our year. This book will join the books from previous years to form a path down memory lane.

We had an 'old work' friend of Carm's over for supper last night. Carm has known Dave for three decades so they have lots of shared experience to talk about. I made and and served supper, then I planned an 'exit stage left'. (Snagglepuss popped into my head as I was rolling 'exit stage left' around in my head). I like the term - it gives the expression of skedaddling out of the room but hadn't thought of Snagglepuss for many, many years. The brain works in marvelous ways!

I didn't actually make my exit until far into the night. That's not to say there was no work talk, but it was more about people than than nuts and bolts. My eyes did glaze over when Carm started lecturing about black holes and gravity waves. I bet Dave wished he had never asked for Carm's thoughts on Stephen Hawking… Hello - we aren't in school!

"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away.”  ~Stephen Hawking

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