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Thursday, April 14, 2016


There was a turtle sunning itself at the edge of the pond all afternoon. I first saw it a few days ago, just after a day of snow - it must be desperate for the heat. As far as I can tell, it is a Midland Painted Turtle. We've seen Snapping Turtles in the pond in previous years, but I haven't seen one yet this year.

Spring must be on its way.

The birdfeeder continues to be a big attraction. We've had flocks of goldfinches, purple finches, red capped somethings, numerous unidentified sparrows and finches, and the usual winter visitors. I find myself stopping at the window often through the day to see who's feeding. It is a nurturing, mindful activity.

We took a trip into town yesterday for my doctor appointment and a deek into Costco for a few things and a cheap hotdog lunch. Afterwards I found myself wishing we'd gone for Pho instead, but I wanted to have time to drop into my parents so we took the quick lunch option. At Costco I picked up the photos of Spike that I printed - once I get myself organized I'm taking them to an artist to have a painting done of Mr. Naughty.

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