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Monday, September 26, 2016

there, here, and soon to be there again

The days have slipped away, each melding into the next in a blur of motion and somnolence. We had 4 incredible days of camping last week. The temperatures were well into the mid 20s, one of the days reaching to 28C. The glorious days of mid September fortify us for the oncoming winter.

The leaves were barely tinged with colour when we left the campground last Thursday, but looking back at previous year's blog posts for this time of year reminded me that often a riot of colour highlights our drive. Could it be the summer-like weather that we've been having is tricking Autumn?

It was with mixed feelings that I started unloading the essentials from the camper - we are only home for a week so everything will have to be shleped back into the beast. Why didn't I just book the extra days so we'd stay put at camp.

We have made full use of our time back home: Carm's visited his mom a few times, he's cut the grass, and I've started re-provisioning for our next outing. Note to self: more warm clothes.

We also went clothes shopping, and to be honest neither of us could remember the last time we bought clothes other than Costco, liquidation or some thrift shop. Yes, we actually went into a clothing store and spent more than $5.00 for a t-shirt. We got some new things for the cruise, and my things will double up for my trip to NZ. My stuff was all grey and black - I think I'll have to dig out some pink or red for a bright pop on the open seas.

Aside from puttering around the house I have immersed myself in Pinterest. There seems to be an unending number of articles on what to pack, what the food is like. I may be driving myself crazy (something that I excel at).

(p.s. are you watching the American Presidential Debate tonight?)

The sun declined, and we both fell into twilight silence. Night, which in autumn seems to fall from the sky at once, it comes so quickly, chilled us, and we rolled ourselves in our cloaks…” ~Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly

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