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Saturday, October 8, 2016

is summer over?

Cold rain. After several days of summer-like weather (yesterday's high was 25C) it is only fair to be villetta bound. We have the 'fireplace' flickering, I have a blanket around my shoulders, and we are watching Trump's crash on CNN.

Yesterday Carm went into town to play in the annual bridge tournament. He and Bruce have been partners for years, and with their brilliant minds and experience they still manage to win their section and place 3rd overall even though they might not play at all during the year.

In mid afternoon my mom came to stay with me for the night. It is an annual thing, just like the bridge. With no interruptions we have a very lovely visit. Yesterday we sweltered in the hot sun (not complaining!) and strolled through some of the campground (getting our steps in). The sun shone in a reasonable replication of July.

3:30pm… just got back in from taking the dogs out. We stuck to the grass along the non-campsite areas. Thick, wet grass was a better bet than the mucky roads. Dogs are used to going to the 'field' for their business so are confused when I give them the go-ahead in other areas but they get the idea if they are desperate enough. It isn't really raining at the moment, but drops are shaking down from the tall pine and maple trees.

"The music in my heart I bore
Long after it was heard no more.”
~William Wordsworth

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