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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

last camping day for 2016

The yellow brick road was paved with gold and brown leaves, with the odd red highlight. Skipping down this fragrant path the leaves swirled around my feet, energized by the gale force winds that blew from the south. We were out for our walk in just t-shirts, the temp said 26C but the wind was gusting to 60 kph - hang onto your hats!

We took the easy way for a walk today: a drive to group camping area A, then a walk around and around on the grassy fields. We didn't want to go far as there were thunderstorms in the forecast so we wussed out and drove.

It is our last full day of camping for 2016 and I'm trying not to think about it. Actually though, I have a few things to look forward to this winter: a cruise to the Caribbean at the end of November, and then a month long trip to NZ Jan/Feb. By the time I'm back it will be time to plan out next summer's camping trips. I don't want to wish the winter away, but spending it somewhere warm is a good thing :-)

Yesterday, while the roast was cooking, it fell over from its tall position so that it was leaning on the edge of my roasting pan… resulting in a large dirty spot that won't come clean the regular way. Does anyone have any suggestions for cleaning the oven?

The wind continued to rise as the afternoon wore on. I think I can see some rain on the horizon so we'll be closing the door soon. Our last day had the makings of an historical one with these temps but the wind was winters tendrils slashing through the heat.

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