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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

returned from Middle Earth

Twenty four hours almost to the minute since I touched down back home from my visit in Middle Earth. My head is still fuzzy, partially from the 29 hours of travel, partially from the change in time zones, and partially from a day and a half of missed meds (which might be the worst effect of all).

Carm was waiting for me at the airport, all smiles and hugs :-)  We got my bag then dropped off at Mom & Dad's to say happy birthday to dad. We stayed long enough to greet some of his party goers then headed home. The dogs were estatic and I made sure to call Spike over for a special greeting. It was nice to walk into my own house, Carm had even given it a good clean (floors washed too!). It was oddly strange to be here, Kirsten's house in NZ had become home for me as well. And everyone there my family, not a far away family faint around the edges but a day to day one, firm and real and within reach. Even in a month I hadn't had my fill of them.

Carm, who had never seemed far away - we had twice daily phone conversations - and I had a quiet evening. I barely made it to 9pm and I was dead asleep in my own bed.

I still have lots more to post about my last few days in NZ, including our adventure with a flat tire, and some about my journey home. It will have to wait till tomorrow when my brain has had more of a chance to sort itself out.

"What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” 
~Jack Kerouac

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