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Monday, March 13, 2017

winter is coming

Two blue jays, resplendent in their jaunty chemise, sat in the tree above the bird feeder. Flit, one was down at the feeder. Whoosh and it was back in the tree. Hither and thither they flew, effortlessly and free. I thought how wonderful it would be to fly and wondered if I would be as clumsy in the air as I am on the ground. Would I have that feeling I'm about to fall as I jumped from branch to branch, or would wings give me the stability that I'm missing.

More and more birds have been flocking to the feeders. Ten, twenty, or even more Mourning Doves shuffle on the ground looking for spilled sunflower seed. A bunch of Red-wing Blackbirds gather on the tree branches - too many to easily count. Juncos, Chickadees, woodpeckers, Nuthatches, and other small birds flit into the feeder. A brilliant red Cardinal sometimes makes a visit. There is always something to see when I look out the kitchen window - one of these days I'm going to cut my finger off as I gawk out the window while I'm cutting something up.

It has been reasonably quiet here which just one trip to town in the last several days. We went for new sheets and visited Canada Computers and a thrift shop. I didn't buy anything, but was sorely tempted by the plush apricot poodle purse in the thrift store. It looked just like Spike.

Trudie & Leo came for supper last night so we sat up visiting until the clock showed late, but our internal clocks said it was still early. Yes, daylight savings time is here and my circadian rhythm is all akimbo again. But it didn't get dark till almost 7:30! I love the change in light, but I do like having supper in the dark - candles show up so much better.

Carm is coming down with a cold and a snowstorm is on its way… hurrah (not), winter is not over yet.

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
~Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

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