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Saturday, September 2, 2017

silver sliders

Brrrr… it has been cold here the last few days. Bunches of trees along the highway to the city have bright red foliage - it’s too soon! My swinging days may be over, certainly the swing and swim days are gone for another year. What happened? How did summer pass so quickly. It wasn’t the greatest summer weather wise - only one day over 30C and lots of days with rain.

It was our second summer at home with no camping. I thought our camping days were coming to a close, but I realize after a summer at home that I still love spending time in my villetta. Carm enjoyed being home as he got to golf 3 days per week.

My little walks around the edge of the hayfield have been lovely in the cooler weather - there is something in the air, a sort of crispness or freshness that has added a spring to my step. The dogs seem to feel it too. I thought there was something wrong with Spike a few weeks ago. He had no energy or spunk. When we first started our little walks I’d sometimes have to drag him on a leash to get him to finish, he’d lag so far behind and would be low and panting when we reached the final slope. Well, after a few weeks of regular walks he is now running ahead and prancing around. So either he was out of shape from a winter of inactivity, or perhaps depressed. Regardless, the little walks seem to do us all good.

I spent friday with my Mom shopping for shoes and other silvery accessories. Wait, I have to backtrack one more day to Thursday when Carm suffered through dress shopping (he was actually great help with 0 griping). I wanted something new for the wedding that is coming up and to multitask as formal cruise wear. It only took an hour to find the right one, a silver grey fancy number.

So, back to the shoes… you probably remember that shoes are a difficult buy for me (understatement) and yesterday was no exception. For starters, there are not a ton of silver or black sparkly shoes to chose from especially when I don’t want 4” heels. The first pair I tried on were silver flats. Yikes… no more than three steps and I was in agony. Nix that. Look around some more… nothing. Next store - see one pair that is cute but darn, not my size. My mom headed back to the clearance section and saw a pair of nice silver wedges. Tried them on and only minor pain (I fully expect to have some pain, it is the price to pay for beauty). They were a perfect match to the dress. Yippee! All in less than an hour! Next we were on the hunt for a clutch purse. Found that in the second place we looked - perfect match to shoe, right down to silver band detail, and $14 on sale. Done :-)

Mom and I had plenty of time to have a nice lunch and even did a bit of extra shopping as well.

I had a fantastic time with Mom and it left me wondering why I don’t make the effort to get into town more often.

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