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Friday, March 2, 2018

is it a skien?

There have been flocks of geese honking overhead and a gaggle has made ‘homestead’ their resting spot. Homestead is one of the little hills on our property and it got its name from… you guessed it… the foundation remains of the original homestead. The flooded creek winds its way around the base of the hill, making it an ideal spot to shelter and rest for the next leg of their trip.

Some red-wing blackbirds have been seen in the vicinity as well. Their cheerful song seems out of place with so much snow around. Speaking of snow, we’ve had a monster melt and the laneway is ICE FREE!!! Hurrah :-)

Yesterday we enjoyed a day of sunshine and warmth: I was even outside in a t-shirt to walk around the house. The snow has crystallized; the earth is now a giant snowcone, mostly unflavoured, but little spots of ‘lemon’ scattered about :-p

The weather is due to turn though which I guess is fine; we’ve had a lovely taste of spring, and best of all, the ice is gone.

We had a lovely supper with Jo Ellen and Don last night. We’ve been taking turns at each other’s houses which is nice, although honestly, I don’t mind being the cook!

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