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Thursday, January 3, 2019


So far so good. We were up reasonably early (who could sleep afterall) and got the show on the road. I choked down a coffee and some red-river cereal even though my stomach was doing flips. We imparted a few more instructions to Pat, whose head must be bursting with all the info. Then, we headed to the airport with lots of time to spare. It had snowed last night so we are never sure what we might come across on the trip to the city. Luckily the roads were reasonably clear and we arrived at the airport with no problem.

Carm dropped me off then took the car to long term parking.  And so started the day of hurry up and wait.

I don't know about you, but I can't relax the day we leave. I pace. Sit down. Remember something. Sit down. Pace. Pace. Pace. Once we are at the airport and through security I start to relax. Everything is out of my hands at that point.

So, here we are in Washington, the first leg of our epic trip done. We have a few hours to wait and then we board another plane (hopefully bigger this time, the first flight was a puddle jumper), for Las Angeles.

Up up and away!

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