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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

oh that blessed sunshine

Sunshine on my shoulders feels so lovely… especially after the last few days of snow and freezing rain. The sun is shining in the west window, highlighting the nose art from the dogs, and years of dirt that has accumulated on the outside. It is one of the windows that I’d most like to wash, but it is ¾ of a story high and has the satellite dish precariously perched just below, so I always procrastinate.

I got out of the house a few times yesterday - haircut day for Carm and I and a stop at the bakery for an apple fritter and coffee. We haven’t treated ourselves to a bakery treat for perhaps a year. It was a calorie laden way to extend my time out of the house. Later we went to Trudie & Leo’s for a souper supper. A nice healthy soup to offset the calorific lunch.

Photo from ages ago: newly born Brigitta with mom Britt

Today we went to liquidation, stopping first for all day breakfast… and what was I looking for at liquidation? Bigger pants :-(  I can’t quite get the diet started and instead of being miserable and having very tight pants for our next cruise (which is in 54 days), I’ll have a bit more expansion room… it seems like I’ve given up, but I haven’t really, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself today.

another photo from ages ago: me, uncle Graham, Dad

The roads were drying up quickly with the wicked wind, so when we got back, Carm took the truck out to charge up the battery. While he was away I dug around in the depths of the basement for the espresso maker. We wanted to give that a try with our special Costa Rica coffee beans. Was it worth all the effort? I think so… and while it is out I may just whip up a latte - not with the good coffee - that would be a waste - but with the regular old keurig pods. Yes, I think I'll do that right now.

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