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Monday, February 25, 2019

to the gallows

It was Spike’s turn with the clippers today. He got the same fancy haircut as Bella and was dancing around like he was ‘something else and all that’. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I didn’t do a very good job. Years ago, when he came to work with me, I’d leave puffs on his legs - somehow he knew he looked special and pranced like a proud poodle.

With the wind gusting up to 70 km/hr last night I was sure the generator would kick on last night. I think I counted 8 times where the power glitched enough to trigger a beep in the UPS (which woke me up each time), but luckily that was all and the generator slumbered through the night.

A pall of horror and resignation hung over the house as one by one, the dogs were led, as if going to the gallows, to the bedroom to await their turn in the shower. It was way overdue, but let's face it, winter is not the ideal time for baths.

Spike went first. Head hung low he slunk into the small space. Kabira paced then stood at the shower door waiting her turn, perhaps she wanted to get it over with, or maybe she couldn’t stand her own stink. Bella was as deep under the little table as she could wedge herself. I needed the leash to coax her out (we never call them for something evil to keep the association of coming to us good).

I forgot the photos of the soup progress, and worse, I forgot to take a photo of the end result, although maybe a photo of the scale this morning would have been better (gulp).

Darn!!! Just realized I almost missed Kabira's birthday today - will post puppy pictures tomorrow. How awful to get a bath on such a special day! Thirteen is surely a milestone of significance for a big dog.

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
~Milan Kundera

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