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Thursday, March 21, 2019

muddled and not a mojito

The sun isn’t shining at the moment but a chorus of birdsong echos amongst the trees. The sound that speaks of spring and the joy of rebirth. Robins, red-wing blackbirds, cardinals all have a bar or two to contribute to the masterpiece that rivals Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’.

The melting has been slow but sure - a good thing with this much snow cover. Parts of the laneway are showing, and every fallen leaf has melted deeper and closer to the earth.

The dogs are joyous at their expanding world. In the mornings, after a hard cold overnight, the snow is hard enough for them to walk… no run… on. Spike has been going crazy, the big dogs are more sedate, but no less happy, to be off the laneway.

I feel the same joy. Or at least I tell myself I do…

I’ve been keeping myself distracted and frustrated and satisfied by working on the Family Website. Gosh, there is a lot to remember and relearn. Getting a template built that works and looks good has been a challenge. I need to get that one page done so it can be copied to create all the other pages. I’ll have to edit all the pages for a format change so want to get that nailed down before creating the rest of the content.

I fought with it a bit yesterday trying to get rid of the extra space between one section and the next. I pored over the code and just couldn’t see anything… until there it was nowhere near where I was looking. Three <p>’s that fell outside the </td></tr> but before the next <tr>. Orphans shuffled to the top of the page. Oh Gosh (and those were not the exact words :-o

Today, for some reason unknown to man, the files that I transfered from my laptop to the web server were not updating. I wrestled with it for ages, server connection kept crashing, gave up, wrestled some more, deleted everything, re-uploaded, still wrestled, and then it worked. What the Heck!!!

Did I actually do stuff like this for a living?

Time for another coffee and a gingernut while I ponder the next refinements. By accident I found a debugging tool (built right into Chrome), that I’ll use to run the pages through to look for problems. At this point there are two problems showing up on my template page and for the life of me I can’t see why I’m getting the warning. All tds and trs are counted and accounted for but for some unknown reason the debugger is not happy.

(fyi - <tr> starts a table row, <td> starts a table cell and one row can have many cells depending on the parameters that you set within the tag… easy, right?) Oh gosh… I think I’ll do some studying on the internet and maybe change some things over to javascript to really confuse myself!

Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"...
"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...”
~Frances Hodgson Burnett

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