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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Bohemian Rhapsody

It’s 1:30 in the afternoon… we were up late… I had a makeover which may end up costing us millions of dollars in new stuff and sadly didn’t turn me into Christie Brinkley… we’ve had iced caps… lunch… seen a teenage boy with a huge mullet… had some salad...

Time now for a movie in our room - Bohemian Rhapsody - which so far is good and I expect it will get better as the music reels up.

,,, the movie was great! Not just great, excellent. If you love Queen music, well, this is the show for you.

Our lazy day continued with drinks in the piazza before supper followed by a leisurely supper with people from Mass. and Ohio. We skipped dessert to spend some time on the balcony.

The show was an excellent musical production with a guy from Las Vegas who is a music impersonator. It was fun with lots of good music, and our favorite, the Princess band, as the backup. After the show we raced to get seats in the piazza as the band was playing, along with some other people for a ½ hour show.

Now, our day is done and although ‘Black Panther’ is playing on the tv, I hope to turn out the lights soon - we get up at 7:30 tomorrow for turnaround day.

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