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Friday, July 26, 2019

Adia's first outing

The sadness in our hearts is alleviated by a red whirling dervish by the name of Adia. She’s still settling in and runs around the house smelling everything over and over again. Perhaps she’s looking for food (she is one serious chow hound), or maybe she’s looking for Tina and her rhodesian ridgeback friends. Regardless of the reason we have to keep an eye on her.

Every so often I stick her in a crate so that I can take a bit of a break. She’s mostly fine with that, unless I step out of the house, then all hell breaks loose… slightly alarming since we are camping for a month in 5 weeks. Hopefully with a bit of time she’ll feel more confident about being alone.

We are trying to keep ourselves busy today otherwise grief washes over and tears start to flow. I want to do a big post about Bella with lots of photos but can’t quite do it yet. Maybe tonight. We were expecting it to happen but not just yet. She’d really improved with the increase of prednisone. She was perky and happy. Looking back to yesterday she maybe wasn’t 100% her cheerful self, but she still trotted around the field with us and seemed to be having a good time. When she didn’t eat her supper we thought maybe she was just having an off day. 1 ½ hours later she was gone. At least it was fast. It is strange in the house and later today I have to go around and put away the 3rd dog stuff: leashes, dishes, dog beds, a pile of medications. I’ll have kleenex in my pocket.

We’ve been out of the house twice today and each time Spike has been hysterical. He’s never made a peep when we get home but boy he was sure stressed today. The quicker he makes friends with Adia, the better.

Hi, I’m beat. Today Laura and Carm took me in the truck somewhere. I thought maybe I’d be going home but we stopped somewhere strange. There were lots of houses close together and some grass and trees. There were lots of interesting smells, maybe  some other dogs had been there. We walk for a while then came to a busy road with lots of cars. I wondered about that for a minute but Laura said it was okay and gave me lots of treats whenever a car went by. That was okay and soon I wanted cars to go by so that I’d get more food.

Then we walked back to the truck and drove some more. We didn’t stop at my home again. There were lots of cars staying still so we just walked around that boring spot for a minute. Then Carm said he had to go into the building to get me more hotdog treats. I thought that was a good idea. Laura and I walked on the sidewalk in front and met some nice people. I liked when they petted me and said how pretty I was. They thought I was smart too when I sat down when Laura asked. Of course I would, there are treats! Then a man walked by with a big noisy thing rattling on ground. Laura asked the man if I could sniff it, but I wasn’t really interested, it was boring and there was no food in it. But I got more treats when it went by me. Laura said she was really pleased with me and that I am a good dog.

I’m starting to think that riding in the truck is a pretty fun thing.

It’s strange though. The people start crying all the time and I can’t see what they are crying about. Do they have to go outside to pee? Maybe it’s because the big black dog went away last night and never came back. Spike seems really upset about that. Maybe he will be my friend now. He let me sniff him when I came back from my adventure.

Last night some people came to the house and sat down for a while. They kept saying how well I’m adjusting (what is that?) and that I’m fitting in with the family. I think that maybe I am. It might be okay to stay here.


“Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid.”
~Langston Hughes

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