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Thursday, July 4, 2019

it was the best night ever

It was the best night ever.

Kirsten, Graham, Olaf, and I, plus Carm for good measure, gathered at my place for an evening of music, recollection and laughter.

We gathered around my huge table with plates of Italian Beef and rice, and zucchini salad. Drinks of choice all around. And thus the night began. We joked and teased and professed our love, not in words, but in our shared experiences. Ever sentimental, I sat back in my chair and delighted in the company of my brothers, sister, and husband. I felt lucky to have been blessed with these people.

Olaf took control of the playlist and got my little blue speaker to belt out (at high volume) song after song. Olaf drummed the table, I danced in my seat, Carm bobbled his head. Graham and Kirsten were more demure in their participation. We were missing Shawn, but he joined us via facetime for some raucous visiting. I believe he was singing in the supermarket as he participated in our festivities. Grace got out to dance and whooo as I spun around the room to AC/DC’s Thunderstruck. She loved it, but I’m pretty sure my siblings thought I was nuts (Carm already knew).

It seems impossible to believe, but we didn’t pull away from the table until after 11pm. And then we took a trip outside to see fireflies and the big dipper.

We haven’t been together with just the group of us since Graham was a toddler - it is far different now and it was tremendous fun! I hope to do a repeat soon.

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