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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

hath such grace

I’m inside for just a few minutes - it is too gosh darn beautiful to be in for any longer. The day started in the usual way: 6:30 am walk with the dogs - it was nice out (although still mostly dark) so they drew out the walk as long as the could. Then back to bed for a few hours.

When I finally dragged myself out of bed we decided to take the dogs for a quick out… well, 40 minutes later (and me still in my pajamas), we were back to the camper. Just in time it turns out to rush out the door for breakfast - street clothes on of course. I had no Kong to give Adia, plus she hadn’t had a trazadone but we figured with just one trailer nearby it wouldn’t be too bad. When we got back I tracked down the owner of the trailer across the way and asked the obvious question. He hadn’t heard anything and said the dogs were no bother at all. Whew! I hadn’t had a chance to turn on my app so don’t know the actual situation, but at least if no one was bothered that’s okay.

As soon as we got back we took Grace outside and then got ready for the RV repair guy. Our hot water tank hasn’t been working on electric and we are loathe to run on propane for any length of time as we’ll need every last breath of it for heating. Anyway, Nick arrived and like a magician got the misbehaving appliance working again.

Back to sitting outside. It is one of those precious October days that are a gift. They sky doesn’t have a cloud in it (where did they all go - there were enough for several skies the last few days), and the sun is shining warmly. It’s almost too hot in the sun :-)

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face."
~John Donne

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