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Sunday, January 12, 2020

be careful what you ask for

“Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day” - the lyrics snaked through my brain like an overgrown earworm. Enough snow had fallen to adhere to the ice making the laneway passable again, with some still lightly falling in a picturesque, snow globe sort of way. We didn’t have anywhere to go and have company coming for supper. A lovely day.

And then, a squeaky wheel heralded the progress of the sewing machine cart into the living room. I was optimistic… stupidly… as soon as I sat down at my nemesis, the swearing started. What the F)(%. It was grabbing from below and tangling the thread. More swearing. More tangling. Carm oiled it. More swearing and by now I’m in a pretty bad mood and shouting at anything that moved. Thought I’d try changing the thread in the bobbin and above. Fixed. Sewed up a few easy things. Wrestled a big chewed blanket onto the table. Groan. This will not be easy and may be impossible. Sew up the worst bit. Throw blanket on the floor and stomp on it. Adia immediately lay down on it. Put machine away.

Sawed off  a slice of homemade bread, toasted it, slathered honey and butter, eat. Happy again.

By noon the snow had stopped. Yesterday we had 43mm of rain which would translate to about 2 feet of snow. It would have been a bit of work to shovel out of that, but would have been a nice base for snowshoeing and skiing.

I’ve been practicing with Adia and have noticed some unfortunate things I had previously rewarded. From a down to a sit no longer has a nice little pop, but instead a giant leap in the air into a sit. Cute, but not so desirable. Also, 'down' gets me intense eye contact. I need two kinds of down: 1) down like a sphinx with eye contact; and 2) down on one hip relaxed without laser focus. I really need a clear picture in my head about what EXACTLY I want in the end and carefully build to that.

"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”
~Maya Angelou

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