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Thursday, January 16, 2020

there were never such devoted sisters

Soon after we got settled into the booth at Country Kitchen, Kirsten arrived, her smiling face brightening up a dull day. We had lunch (greek salad for me) and then I transferred my stuff to her car for an overnight visit. A quick kiss to Carm and we were on our separate ways.

We made a quick stop at liquidation and then we were on our way to her house for a sister’s night of fun. They had given me a bottle of prosecco and one of Aperol for Christmas… I’d never had an aperol spritz and I have to say I’m sold. I loved it! It will be a lovely drink for summer. The only problem is that there has to be enough people to use up the bubbles!

Sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters
~ from White Christmas

Anyway, we had fun with lots of laughs.

I was home in time on Wednesday to have a short rest and a bit of practice with Adia before marching off to school. Snow was in the forecast (of course), but luckily it held off until just before we headed home. The class was excellent and Adia was almost a superstar… although she lost focus at the end of the session. I did too. One hour is a long time to pay attention.

We are learning a bunch of stuff including ‘mat’ which will be extremely helpful once we get it  down pat. We hadn’t done this before, and by the end of the practice she could be sent from a few feet away and even laid down on her own - superstar! We’ve been practicing today and am able to send from several feet, as well as developing a good stay. She even stayed put when Carm got her dish out of her crate. Jackpot! Another jackpot for staying when I opened the front door.

I call her a big dummy, but actually I think she’s rather smart :-)

And that snow… it fell overnight leaving a beautiful winter scene for us to wake up to. There was a bit of sunshine to complete the tableau. There was no wind (it’s a bit windy now), and decked out in just a flannel shirt (which I have barely taken off for weeks), and a puffy down vest (one of my finds from liquidation), I wandered around the property taking photos with my phone. 

One of my pleasures today: the silky softness of well kneaded bread dough.

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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