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Monday, February 24, 2020

glory days

The ‘big dummy’ got it this morning! The action of pawing at the bowl to stepping on it with 2 feet was a giant leap as if a light went on in her brain. Or maybe I figured out my timing of the click and added a few carefully timed jackpots. Not such a dummy after all!

I spent a bit of time with Spike this morning teaching the same trick. He got to the point of consistently pawing at it in a fraction of the time of Adia, even though he does seem a bit senile. I cut the play short before he got bored - we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.

I’ve had the prescription in my purse for months… finally today I dug it out and went to Shoppers Drug Mart for a jab of Shingrix. My arm is slightly achy but I’ll survive!

It seems repetitive, but today is another glorious day! It was well above freezing with a strong sun to melt the snow. It could be the end of March instead of February. Glory days.

Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.”
~Pearl S. Buck

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