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Friday, April 10, 2020

if you look the right way

Another dreary day… April showers… ya ya. When I first got up it was spitting out - spitting being the perfect word to capture my disgust. It did dry up eventually, leaving a blustery, cold wind with grey clouds racing across the sky. No beautiful Good Friday this year. Perhaps the weather is matching everyone’s mood. Today seems hopeless.

Luckily the mood in this house is not blustery or cold. We’ve had 9 years of retirement to practice living together in one room and are pretty good at it. Sometimes we step on each other's toes, but not often. Sometimes Carm talks when I’m trying to listen to the news, or drums his fingers… I can usually ignore it. I probably ask Carm too many questions, and then there’s that singing out loud and out of tune. I got snappy with him the other day, but can only think of the one time. 

This morning I watched a bit of news then read and putzed around aimlessly - certainly not productively. Actually, I shouldn’t say that - I made a pot of lentil soup. Around noon it was time to get the dogs outside: Adia for a run, Spike to just toddle around (he’s still not up to par).

We fussed with the garlic a bit - it’s coming up already! Some shoots are over 2” high! A miracle. I hope I never lose the wonder that I have for Nature. Imagine a plot of dirt from which garlic is emerging. In 3 months we’ll harvest. Other things are coming to life in the garden, tips of green and red forcing themselves from beneath the dark covers. The apple trees have tiny buds starting.

When I got back inside I ran a hot bath and turned on some music. I had thought to ‘relax’, but when Queen’s Radio Ga Ga came on it was hard not to jump from the bath to dance, dripping water all over. I restrained myself. And when the B52s started up with MoDean it was all I could do to stay still. There is some music that just isn’t meant for lying around with! My legs and arms flailed in the water almost in rhythm with the music. No mean feat in the confines of a crowded tub.

Yesterday was my brother Graham’s birthday. We talked on the phone which was a poor substitute for a supper together, we’ll have to do a rain check on a party.

  this photo always makes me laugh. Graham is the one in the yellow. They were two cute little brothers. I’m always in shock when I see them all grown up now! They’ll always be this age to me.

It was TWENTY years ago today that our first foal, Uvaer, was born. I know I’ve written about this before on my blog, but it was one of the memorable moments of my life when he slid into my lap. 

Headline tonight: Worldwide death toll exceeds 100,000. Over 501,880 cases, with 18,699 deaths in the US. There are a total of 22,148 (20,765 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 569 (509 yesterday) deaths to date.

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”
~Frances Hodgson Burnett

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