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Monday, May 25, 2020

flying carpet

Two little feathery bits of sunshine lit the grey morning. I was sitting outside waiting for Adia when 2 little goldfinches started flitting around the honeysuckle just off the deck. I held still, barely breathing and listened to them sing their song. They couldn’t have been more than 8 feet away. Through a gap in the branches I could see a robin feeding its chicks in the nest under the eves. A blissful moment of my day.

It’s overcast with a forecast of much needed rain. Carm’s first words to me this morning were “did it rain?”. It’s a very tonal question that meant ‘hopefully it rained’ but sometimes the same words mean ‘did it %^$ rain again’!

Later in the morning I stepped out with my camera… at the bottom of the front steps I could see 4 flowering trees: honeysuckle with its fuchsia blossoms, lilac, hawthorn with its white flower, and finally a long row of apple trees decked out in white, oh, and the ‘chocolate’ trees down by the pond are covered in white flowers too. Some bright pink tulips, cheerful dandelions, purple periwinkle, and tiny wild strawberry flowers carpeted the earth. So much colour. And the air! Perfumed with the scent of a 1000 flowers.

We took advantage of the slightly cooler day to heft a bunch of furniture so we could lay the new carpet. We heaved and hoed, eventually getting everything back together. I love it! The pattern really lifts the area. Happy happy.

Spike’s ear is looking good. It’s a bit scabby at the bottom but overall is healing. He’ll go into the vet to get stitches removed on Thursday. Then he’ll be free of the dastardly cone!

Headline tonight:  1,704,075 cases with 99,754 deaths in the US. There are a total of 85,698 (84,699 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 6,541 (6,424 yesterday) deaths today.

“The function of music is to liberate in the soul those feelings which normally we keep locked up in the heart.”
~Sebastian Faulks

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