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Monday, June 29, 2020

company on their way

After 12 hours of deep sleep I woke up feeling like crap… I struggled out of bed to feed the dogs and there, on the kitchen counter, were my meds. That answered that question but with a sinking heart I knew that at least ½ my day would be miserable. I went back to bed.

A while later I got a text from Olaf that they were coming today for a few nights. Yikes! The house was in a state of semi-shambles, needed a good vacuum, and Freya’s bed was covered in spare blankets etc from the camper. I got up and started tidying. I lasted 15 minutes and was back to bed. And so the morning went: struggle and rest, struggle and rest. By the time Carm got home from golf most was done and the house was presentable. I was also starting to feel better and could finally eat something - hurrah!

It’s scary how horrible missing just one night makes me feel.

But I’m excited to have company! It will be the first time since mid March that we’ve had people in the house (excepting the plumber). 106 days to be exact.

Olaf, Stephanie, and Freya arrived a little past 4pm. Snacks and then supper (cause how much food could one even eat?) were scarfed, leaving the rest of the evening for swimming (Olaf & Freya) and visiting. It was a fairly subdued evening as everyone was a bit tired for days of excitement.

I’m exhausted but happy.

Headline tonight: Over 5,000 people a day being admitted to Texas hospitals. 2,681,811 cases with 128,783 deaths in the US. There are a total of 103,918 (103,250 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 8,566 (8,522 yesterday) deaths today.

“There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight
To me did seem
Apparelled in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.
It is not now as it hath been of yore;—
Turn wheresoe’er I may,
By night or day,
The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

But there’s a tree, of many, one,
A single field which I have look’d upon,
Both of them speak of something that is gone:
The pansy at my feet
Doth the same tale repeat:
Whither is fled the visionary gleam?
Where is it now, the glory and the dream?”
~William Wordsworth

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