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Thursday, June 25, 2020


It’s cooler today with a wind that threatens to blow us to Oz. Sadly the gale is shaking apart the catalpa flowers so the display this year will be short. 

Carm played golf early this morning - I slept in and then started puttering around the house tidying up countless areas of clutter. Normally it is invisible to me, but with Olaf, who is slightly minimalist, coming to visit in a few days it looks like I’m a hoarder. The problem with this type of cleanup is that I’m stashing stuff and will never find it again… I should write a schematic. 

Google needs an add-on to maps where you can take a photo of something and tag it in a location. Hey! Maybe that’s a good business idea. Think of the possibilities! Your spouse could check the app before asking where something is ;-)

After Carm was cleaned up from golf we went to Shoppers Drug Mart so that I could get some vitamin C serum for my face and a really expensive face cleanser that will hopefully be easier on my skin. Rosacea is a bitch. We wore our masks, sanitized our hands, touched as little as possible, and then sanitized our hands again. The store was mostly empty, but even still, no one else was wearing a mask. Disappointing.

Before the afternoon was totally finished we wrestled Grace’s heavy cage outside so Carm could pressure wash it, while I scrubbed her cage area. I’ve been doing it for 22 years, yet using a hose in the living room still feels weird.

Just need to dust, vacuum, and clean the bathrooms and then we are ready for overnight guests - excited!

Headline tonight: 18 people in one family test positive after a surprise birthday party. 2,499,023 cases with 124,858 deaths in the US. There are a total of 102,576 (102,242 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 8,501 (8,484 yesterday) deaths today.

“The earth was all before me. With a heart
Joyous, nor scared at its own liberty,
I look about; and should the chosen guide
Be nothing better than a wandering cloud,
I cannot miss my way.”
William Wordsworth

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