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Friday, July 24, 2020

Adia's getting day anniversary

Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!

On, COMET! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!

With flashlight in one hand (it’s a bumpy walk), and a pair of binoculars in the other, we stumbled through the darkness to the middle of the hayfield. From there we thought we’d get a good view. We stared and pointed and stared some more. Nothing. Perhaps it was still too light, or maybe we were looking in the wrong place. Dejected, we returned to the house.

Carm went online and studied the location some more while we waited for it to get darker. This time we stayed on the deck. And there it was. A little dot with a bit of a tail faintly made a foreign trail in the night sky. Hurrah!

Today is the one year anniversary of Adia’s getting day! The year has gone quickly although it seems like another reality ago. She’s been a good addition to our little family (even though she’s still a bit bad when we leave her alone…).

I’ve got a big case of covid fatigue the last few days… it’s getting harder and harder to motivate myself to do even the simplest of tasks, I even thought of retreating to my bed this afternoon. I’m sick of the whole situation and want my life back! Knowing that it will likely be at least another year of semi-isolation isn’t helping at all. I spent the afternoon on the deck listening to music, usually a good picker-upper, but alas. I’ve been struggling with my thoughts as I know dwelling on the negative only breeds more negative, but the malaise creeps back. I need to get out and do something or even better have a series of (candlelight) dinners with friends like the old PC (pre corona) days! 

I’ve been watching old episodes of ‘Keeping Up Appearances’ with Hyacinth. It’s a real hoot and sadly I can see a bit of myself in her character. Not the snobby bits, but the having dinners, and backseat driving segments! In the episode I watched last night she was taking her friends on a picnic to the bank of the river. She had china, tablecloths, chairs and tables… well, my picnics usually have a pretty tablecloth and some nice dishes, oh, and silverware… no china though thank goodness! Which reminds me… I’d like to take a look-see in the fabric store for something nice for the next picnic - I won’t because of covid though. Go ahead and have a good laugh at me!

 Headline tonight: 4,247,407 cases with 148,450 deaths in the US. There are a total of 113,179 (112,672 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 8,880 (8,874 yesterday) deaths today.

“The Universe said, ‘Let me show

your soul something beautiful.”


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