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Friday, August 21, 2020

over-wintering the wine

 After I got 2 batches of bread dough rising and had a long talk with Mom, I gathered up some cleaning supplies and my trusty speaker to head into the villetta. We MAY be going somewhere next week so I wanted to freshen up our home. 

I don’t know why I opened the cupboard with the small fridge, maybe I was looking for something in the clean laundry basket, but when I did I was shocked to see black dried up liquid under the fridge… I opened its door and was horrified to see it full of last year’s beer and wine. The fridge was black inside with a horrible smell. Oh gosh (not my exact words). I grabbed a bucket from the garage and carefully removed said nasty containers. By some sort of grace, the wine bottle had not broken - I was spared a disaster of glass shards. Some of the cans were empty or almost so, while a few seem like they are miraculously unharmed considering our long stretch of -20C weather last winter. 

Countless paper towels and a handy Mr. Clean sponge made short(ish) work of the mess.

A laundry basket lived on top of the fridge so I took the opportunity to put everything away. With a few hand towels neatly folded in my hand I opened the drawer that is directly under the fridge. My heart sank to see a white linen cloth soaked with brown liquid. I tossed it to the floor which revealed some chewed fibers… a mouse had made a nest in my linens… boo hiss. As I emptied everything I could see that there is some damage. Damn.

Carm went to Costco and then cut the grass while I was doing my thing. He likes to have a swim after the grass, but gosh, it’s been so cold. The water was 22C/72F so he jumped in. I followed, although I only stayed in for a few minutes. Refreshing :-)

So what else has been going on? Wednesday Christina came for a laneway visit - I hadn’t seen her since the pandemic started. Yesterday I went for a blood letting which was okay - I waited in a line outside until it was my turn. The woman taking my blood was good and didn’t butcher my arm trying to find a vein - I didn’t even have a sore arm after. Once home Carm did a bit more tree cutting while I dragged more branches onto the towering pile.

 Headline tonight: 5,796,727 cases with 179,200 deaths in the US. There are a total of 124,372 (123,154 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 9,064 (9,045 yesterday) deaths today.

“Real love ought to be more like a tree and less like a flower. That's the kind of love my parents had. Not so consuming and more everlasting. And you see that tree over there? Now it's only showing green leaves, but during the spring it's covered in flowers. Because as reliable as trees are, they can also speak of beauty and passion.”

~Mya Robarts

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