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Saturday, September 12, 2020


 It’s 8:45 pm and I’m in my pjs with my face washed, ready for bed. It’s pitch dark already. I’m trying to hold off until at least 9 cause really, who goes to bed at 8? 

We had a few nice diversions today. We had a few minor things to pick up in the village and Dollarama is always a good distraction for me. Once we got home I had to use up a few lovely brown bananas so whipped up a dozen banana bread muffins. So much baking in the house!

Then, with the sun bright in the sky, we had a lovely distant visit with Jo Ellen and Don. I had set up the chairs in the sun but gosh, it was too hot :-) The visit only lasted 2 hours, but it brightened my day.

We finally got our covid test results back last night - it took 3 ½ days which I think is unacceptable! Oh, and they were negative.

Whew, my eyelids are drooping, not sure that I’ll make it to 9!

“Outside the leaves on the trees constricted slightly; they were the deep done green of the beginning of autumn. It was a Sunday in September. There would only be four. The clouds were high and the swallows would be here for another month or so before they left for the south before they returned again next summer.”

~Ali Smith

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