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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

bad mood

 Today the sun shone strongly enough to raise the temp to 15C… a beautiful day that Carm spent on the links while I puttered around vacillating between good mood and bad.

I’d gotten some CBD oil to try with Spike for his arthritis and since I was feeling a bit of anxiety this morning I thought I’d give it a try - well, the anxiety was gone, but gosh I was in a bad mood. Coincidence I’m sure but I’ll try it again tomorrow.

Bad mood continued through the evening as CNN spewed clips of Trump blabbing all sorts of lies and stupidity. 

Lots of covid news tonight… depressing and makes me almost want to believe that it’s no worse than the flu. Maybe it is just a giant conspiracy put on by Bill Gates so that he can microchip us all… Thankfully good sense keeps me from falling down that rabbit hole.

“But I am very poorly today & very stupid & I hate everybody & everything. One lives only to make blunders.”

~Charles Darwin

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