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Sunday, November 8, 2020

a decade of chatter

 Ten years ago today I struggled to write my first blog post. Oh the painful memory of how hard writing was for the first year. Each word was a struggle, but look at me now! Words tumble from my brain to the keyboard almost faster than I can think of them. Don’t get me wrong, I do still spend a lot of time crafting each post but it comes easier. Ten years!! And 2,122 posts. What a blabber mouth 😁 

My blog has become a close friend that sits in a chair by the fire sipping wine while I tell my tall tales. In my mind you have all become melded into one affable companion.

As if to celebrate the anniversary, summer has made an unusual appearance and the mercury hovers at 20C. A blessing! We took the opportunity these last few days to get more pre-winter tasks done. Not a chore when it’s so warm!

This afternoon Kari came for a laneway visit - we hadn’t seen her since before the pandemic started so it was a real treat to catch up, especially in the sun 😍 And now, after a evening spent with Olaf and Stephanie, I’m content and ready for bed. We’ll get thru this covid thing!

Oh no! Just saw on the news that Alex Trebek died. Not a surprise I guess, but there are some people that you want to be immortal.

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