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Sunday, February 21, 2021

what you think about

 It is another glorious day today with the sun shining brightly at a comfortable -7… cool enough to keep the snow at its peak. I can’t recall a winter that’s had perfect snow for so long. We really are blessed.

Yesterday was awesome as well. I was late getting up but the sound of the snowblower in the laneway encouraged me to guzzle down ½ my coffee and get outside to shovel the back deck while the sun was still shining on it. Oh gosh! It was an incredible mood lifter - sun, a bit of exercise, a flannel shirt and down vest, oh yeah baby! I had a serious case of peaceful easy feeling after that.

I have had a long run of feeling good - I think it’s 3 months - a record as far back as I can remember. In fact, even in the ‘good old days’, I would have had short bouts of depression often. But not now! I’m not sure if it’s just good luck, or my fairly regular doses of CBD, or I’ve figured out how to stay well, or the absence of stress from the pandemic. I’m going with it :-)

I do feel a little starved for company though…

Do you ever have ‘appetizer supper’? Where all you have are  nibbles and bites for dinner? Last night we decided to make it bacon night so I cooked up a bunch of really-bad-for-you snacks. So good! I only used 9 pieces of bacon so I guess it wasn’t too bad ;-)  I think I’ll do another theme night in a few weeks - any ideas? I’m thinking: vegetarian, walnut/pecan, mushroom, dip, Mexican, Italian… it will be a challenge! The trick is to find recipes that keep to the theme but are different enough to be interesting. I suppose I could dig up a few stuffed mushroom recipes to see which one we like best?

This photo came up in a memory from 2006 - I think it’s Fiorgyn but it’s hard to tell under all that hair! She looks straight in the rear, but I think it’s just the way she was holding her leg. She was sold to the states and eventually bred. Her son was exported as a stallion to NZ. 

CNN is so boring these days - hurrah. The US has 499k deaths so far, Canada has 21k. The end is not in sight although with the vaccine maybe by September.  I hope they bring back bubbles by spring.

“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”

~Dale Carnegie

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