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Friday, March 19, 2021


 Just a low pulse of current today but it was enough to trigger dancing and singing. So much singing. First thing this morning I was singing the Smarties song from the 70s… how could I remember it at all and gosh darn it was an annoying earworm. 

When you eat your Smarties,

Do you eat the red ones last?

Do you suck them very slowly,

Or crunch them very fast?

Eat that candy-coated chocolate,

But tell me when I ask,

When you eat your Smarties,

Do you eat the red ones last?

I complained to Carm (he was the one that was likely complaining internally), telling him about the worst earworm I’ve ever had. ‘I’m a star in LA, I’m a star in New York’  immediately shoved the Smarties song to the ground and took over in a most distressing way. What the heck!

It must be the sun.

Before I even had my first cup of coffee, a batch of cheesecake bites was cooling in the freezer and a ball of bread dough was rising in the oven. Shocking considering that it usually takes me an hour or more to get up off my a$$ in the morning. I must be solar powered.

I’m doing an experiment with the bread. After the first rising, I punched it down and stuck it in the fridge. I’ve had to punch it down again, even though it’s cold, but I hope that I can do the final shaping and rise in the morning. Apparently, bread that’s had a cold rise tastes better.  Just for fun!

I was looking for the name of that dance where the people go insane and can’t control their movement - it might be the tarantela - and came across this quote:

And those who stand without, who see the dance and do not hear the music—what more weird fantastic folly, the madness of the saturnalia, the sacred fury of eleusinian or evantian choir, ever dawns upon their dazzled darkness!”

~Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford

Poor Carm!

It’s Spring tomorrow!!!!!

“She turned to the sunlight

    And shook her yellow head,

And whispered to her neighbor:

    "Winter is dead.”

~A.A. Milne

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