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Sunday, June 6, 2021

flushing with pleasure

 I hadn’t even finished my coffee this morning when we ventured outside to get some water flowing into the rv fresh tank. I thought we’d just dash out but we ended up doing the rest of the job. Luckily I like cold coffee!

While the tank filled with fresh water laced with chlorine we futzed about trying to get the water running through the taps. We flipped switches but had no luck. Carm thought to check the filter on the pump and sure enough, cracks. They are doctored up with glue for now with a new filter on order.

With the pump working we ran water to the facets and toilet, getting rid of the pink antifreeze and spreading the heavily chlorinated water through the whole water system. We’ll leave that to soak for a day or two then flush with a few tanks of fresh water.

The water in the pool warmed up to 25+C… lovely for floating around with a pool noodle.

Oh! The golfer that we watched with dismay as he got tossed from the tournament for having covid-19 was likely not vaccinated, neither were the two other golfers he was playing with… sympathy withdrawn.


“flinging open the bedroom curtains to be surprised with some open peonies!”

“smooshing the mosquito before it has a chance to bite”

“stuffing my nose into a flower”

“seeing Spike on the futon - twice!”

“getting supper together even though I wasn’t in the mood”

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