Sometimes things happen that make me think I can’t just be lucky, no, there must be someone looking out for me. I’ve wondered if it could be my grandmothers - I say plural because at times I’ve needed 2 guardian angels to pull me from the brink. I never met either of them but feel a connection with both.
Well today they were hanging around ready to give a hand… I’ve been stressed about driving to my far away vaccine appointment tomorrow, plus a little sad that Carm’s appointment on Friday was going to impact our weekend plans - both minor things but niggling in my brain.
Carm got onto the booking site this afternoon and refreshed his screen over and over and then suddenly! An appointment tomorrow! He thought it was in the city but no, it is at the same place I’m getting mine and just 2 hours later. Hurrah! And for more icing on the cake, we get to visit friends that we haven’t seen for 1 ½ years (outside of course).
Very excited.
It’s been raining on and off again today, welcome moisture for the growing things. Sadly the rain has decimated the peonies.
“Carm getting an appointment for tomorrow at the same place I’m having my vaccine AND we have friends we’ll be visiting. Double Awesome!”
“Spike’s made it onto the futon multiple times today - he’s looking like his old self”
And here in the states they are giving anyone who gets vaccinated a chance to will a million. We are begging the unvaccinated to go in. Most hospitals are reporting that 95% of people coming in with COVID are unvaccinated. Glad you can finally get yours!