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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

friends together

 We ran into a friend from the past at the grocery store yesterday. It would have normally been great to see her and conversation would have flowed easily, but I couldn’t get my mind unstuck from behind my mask. I’m a big advocate of masks and would go nowhere without one, but gosh, it still surprises me, no shocks me, that we are in a pandemic. I don’t go out to the shops much so I am able to more easily live in la la land where life is normal and no one is afraid to die alone in a hospital with a tube down their throat.

The last two days have been on again, off again, with the clouds racing across the sky obliterating the sun. The odd patch of blue where the sun can shine is a special treat. Temperatures are more seasonable, in other words: brrrrr, so we are making plans to bring the trailer home this weekend. I’ll make sure we have a bottle of bubbly to celebrate our wonderful summer. (and a bit of commiseration)...

Tonight I fed Pat a supper made from a kludge of recipes which ended up being a one dish mess of potatoes, red peppers, and onions with some roasted mushrooms thrown in. A couple of sausage chunks and some Greek seasonings topped it off. The sounds of people enjoying their meal drowned out any conversation there might have been. Sometimes I think I should stay out of the web repository of recipes. Or pick one and go with that instead of the wild flights of fancy that I’ve been prone to but today it worked out well!

After supper Trudie & Leo came over to join us. Tonight was the first time since February of 2020 that we’d all been together inside. Things are looking up!


“Remembering that day in Rome when we walked into our hotel room, threw open the shutters and there, right in front of us, was the Pantheon. That moment is near the top of the awesome list.”

“the aroma of freshly cut parsley”

“the ring of messenger video with an incoming call”

“saying ‘turn lights on’ and lights go on!”

“the late afternoon sun shining low across the fields lighting the treetops”

“my new bath pillow”

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