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Friday, October 28, 2022

first day free

 Today is the first day of my (hopefully) lithium free life. I feel like I have a really bad hangover and am sloggish today - I didn't expect that. Tomorrow will surely be better!

The week has flown by. We’ve been busy outside (in this gorgeous early September weather!) - Carm closed the pool, among other things. The weather was nice enough for him to golf a few times. There are a few more things on the deck to put away and then we are ready for winter - physically, not mentally!

Yesterday we had a lovely lunch at Jo Ellen & Don’s. The dogs stayed at home in their crates - I wish we could leave them out but they are too destructive. I’m sad that Adia, at almost 4 years old, still destroys things when we leave her alone… even if it’s only for a short time. She’s got some separation anxiety (as does Lupa) that we haven’t been able to work through. It would be better for all of us if I could figure this out…

Bella, Kabira, and Spike were perfect when left alone loose in the house or trailer so it’s frustrating to have 2 badly behaved dogs! I can’t imagine doing a cross country trip with these two miscreants!

Ugg… I feel like puking…

Our trip is only 23 days away so I’ve been figuring out what clothes to bring. I think I have supper clothes figured out but might have too many outfits - if we get back late from an excursion we’ll likely use the buffet rather than the dining room for dinners those nights. Luckily I fit back into all the clothes from our last cruise 3 years ago - I’m even a few pounds lighter! If I put all the photos of us from all our cruises into one album I wouldn’t be able to tell which trip was which because I wear all the same clothes every trip! The background might give a clue. And we might look older!

Here we are 6 years ago on our first cruise.

Hopefully the dogs don’t drive Pat crazy… Lupa is a perpetual motion machine and the two race around the house for at least ½ hour every morning. I had to stop them from tearing the ‘mandalorian’ toy in half - each dog had a leg and they were tugging hard in opposite directions. It needs some stitches now…

7pm… well, I made it through the day and am actually feeling like I can eat something (oatmeal & an ice cream sandwich). Tomorrow will be better.


“a bright crescent moon”

“it smells like lemon thyme outside”

“getting through the day”

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