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Sunday, April 7, 2024

party hardy

 The snow has come and now it's gone (almost)… we were somewhat spared last Thursday and got only 10ish cm of the predicted 25cm, even though it snowed into Friday morning. There was enough that Carm decided to snowblow so that the driveway would be dry for our party Saturday night.

Once he was finished wrestling the orange machine up and down the laneway, he got busy in the house helping me with prep for Saturday. We zoomed through the task list, leaving me enough time to ‘meet up’ with Kirsten for 40 minutes on the treadmill!

Saturday we were up early and got busy right away so by noon, the house was clean(ish!), and we'd run out of things to do - everything left on the list was a last minute sort of job. I had time for the treadmill and time to relax. It was very strange and left me feeling discombobulated for the rest of the day!

My task list kept us on track!

Finally the nineteenth hour arrived and the first of our guests started arriving. The house gradually filled up and soon it was rocking! With a menu list on the fridge as my guide, I started heating and serving food - can't have hungry guests! I was certain that we would run out of food, but strangely we had twice as much as we needed… and I didn't even serve everything 😱  Either I am a terrible estimator, or a terrible cook! Or maybe both!

Today has been a day of washing a million glasses, putting away a ton of serving things, relaxation… and 50 minutes on the treadmill! Thanks Kirsten for getting me moving 😀 


“a snow day”


“warm sunny day today”

“time to relax on the day of”

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