When we got home we bundled up and shovelled out the end of the laneway (again), I'm pretty sure we'll have to do it again tomorrow morning. The dogs stuck their noses out, but immediately turned back into the house - they are out for business trips only! Especially now that the poodles are hairless as well. In fact when I got out a blanket to lie on the futon, Spike was right there nosing his way under the covers. Poor wee guy is cold.
Even on a day like this there are pleasures and things to be grateful for: our Subaru - 416K + kilometers and still going strong - it is great on these snow covered, icy roads ; watching the raw fury of Nature ; having a nice, cozy house - r2000 really pays off on these cold days, especially when it is windy ; cuddling up with the dogs (talk about warm and cosy!) ; eating those 2 little lobster tails that I got at Independent Grocer for just $3.99 - a yummy treat! ; getting my hair cut for just $15, and it is as good a hair cut as the $40 ones I used to get downtown ; and here's one that should never be forgotten - having access to an excellent medical system without having to worry about paying the bills, or losing coverage ;
The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only.
Joseph Wood Krutch
Terri would bark at your house-bound dogs. The wind died down around 2 Friday and we went out to shovel and play in the snow. We had a great time and stayed out almost as long as Terri wanted. First we played in the very snow filled back yard, then we switched to the front yard so Terri could run up and down the driveway to chase her toy. She didn't want to go inside.
ReplyDeleteToday we tried the same but her feet and legs got covered in sticky snow so I took her inside to towel off those annoying snowballs. I think we'll go out again because it's a lovely -7°C.
Despite my enjoyment of playing with Terri in the snow, I would love to be heading for summer land like you are! Bring back some warm weather ;-)