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Friday, July 12, 2019


Yesterday I spent the day and night with Mom & Dad, Kirsten & the nieces and nephew Erik. It was a good diversion. I felt bad though as I left Carm alone until this morning. He didn’t have the benefit of kids laughing and joking and a chaotic crowd milling around.

Six of us managed to get organized and to the theatre in time for a 4:50 showing of Aladdin. It was fun and colourful and not sad. There were no pets dying or sick ones waiting to die. Escapism.

I got home to two excited poodles, but they weren’t so excited that I got the idea they thought I was dead.

While Nissa is here we ‘re-enacted’ a photo taken when Bella was 4 months old - sorta a beginning and end for her.

Both grown up - Nissa just starting her life and Bella about to end hers. The life of a dog is too short. I can hear Bella breathing in the background, each breath laboured. She still seems calm and bright so her time hasn’t come yet, but it will be soon, not today or tomorrow, but soon. I wonder how we will get through both losses so close together. I wonder how Spike will manage on his own.

It’s funny… I’ll be just fine and then suddenly the tears will prick behind my eyes. I guess this will happen for a while yet.

There has never been a dog with so many nicknames: Kabby McTavish, Tavishon, Pokearoo, Stamparoo, Rooti toot tootie, Tooters, Tootaroo, there’s many more that have been forgotten. Grace called her Ka-birdie.

I got so many lovely messages. This is a snippet from our friend Jim: “I've only cried a very few times in my life, but I really cried when I lost Tango. More love = more sorrow sometimes. We should be grateful for what we had and focus on the Love.”

I’ve got to get busy - company coming for supper - grateful for the distraction, although I’m likely to bawl when I see them.

He died that day because his body had served its purpose. His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn, and then was free to leave.”
~Garth Stein

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