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Friday, December 13, 2019

cousins get together again

I’m in a dim sunspot, resting after the 1+ hour drive from Kirsten’s. Yesterday afternoon, after our trip to the city, I struck out cross-country with the dogs, destination: Kirsten’s. I don’t drive often, maybe a few times a year to the local village, so this was a big deal for me… but I did it! And I got us home again 😁

The dogs were a bit more settled this visit with no noisy scraps, so I consider it a big success. Adia was still fine with the cats, and once she had a minute to calm down in the house she was good with tiny Twinkie. It took her ages to settle down onto a bed though, so this morning I put her on her leash and forced her to relax, or at least not pace. Kirsten’s house is a maze of rooms that she can do figure 8’s in (not at running speed thankfully!).

We had a great visit, although Shenna was jet lagged - she arrived from NZ yesterday in the earliest AM - we gathered around the island noshing on cheese & crackers (and huge amounts of Miss Vickie's salt & vinegar chips). It was so much fun! I have trouble tearing my eyes away from them as I’m sure they’ll disappear if I blink.

The Christmas tree survived unscathed!

Now for a bit of backtracking:

Tuesday we met Kirsten & Nissa for lunch in ‘middle town’. It’s ½ hour for both of us so a wonderful easy meet. I still had energy on our way home so sent a quick message to Jo Ellen and Don to invite them for supper - yay! They could come. I had a few containers of Minestrone in the freezer so was able to whip up a quick supper. 

Wednesday I was so exhausted that I had to have a short nap, but then, energized (a bit), invited Trudie & Leo for supper. I made rice with mushrooms, red peppers, fennel seed, and chicken thighs. Unfortunately the instant pot crapped out and never started counting down. It came up to pressure though. When I eventually opened it everything was cooked but there was a thick burn on the bottom. It’s the third time this has happened with this pot so I think there is something wrong with it. I’ve never had the same problem with my original pot.

And back to Thursday… dentist appointments for both of us, including fixing the tooth I chipped in Rome. This dentist is great and doesn’t make me cry like the last one did!

To keep the activity going we are having Pat over for supper tonight.

Oh what a wonderful soul so bright inside you. Got power to heal the sun’s broken heart, power to restore the moon’s vision too.”

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