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Monday, March 9, 2020

cancelling our trip

It was an absolutely glorious day today. As soon as I stumbled out of bed this morning I checked the temp: 9C/48F ! So I stepped out onto the back deck to a stunning chorus of birdsong and sunshine. The redwing blackbirds were the lead singers and every other bird in the area had joined in the song as backup. I felt an incredible rush of pleasure.

We’ve been out and about the last few days. Saturday we picked up a few bags of raw meat for the dogs, Sunday morning we met Kirsten, et al for breakfast, Pat came over for supper. Today we got hair cuts and then went into town to PetSmart.

Our training session in the store ended up with one of the staff letting us know about a Therapy dog class as she thought Adia would be excellent. She was mostly great in the store, much better than last time. We practiced some of the skills that we’ve been working on at home. Her ‘stay in motion’ was great, even when I dropped the leash and walked ½ an aisle away. She didn’t sniff as much, but this is where the most work is required. She got to meet a few people and had no trouble sitting calmly while being approached. After a few seconds I release her to say hello as I like her to stand while being petted - she can move around a bit so people pet her back and not her head (she’s not crazy about being patted on the head).

I was proud of her.

We’ve decided to (obviously giving everything that is going on) cancel our cruise at the end of March. I feel relieved that we’ve made the decision and don’t have anymore trip anxiety lurching in my stomach.

Cancelling our trip frees up some time for the next class for Adia. I’ve got lots to choose from and am juggling ideas in my head. It’s such a thrill for me when she does well :-)

It is better to be first with an ugly woman than the hundreth with a beauty.”
~Pearl S. Buck

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